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Asakusa Travel Guide】 > Event

Asakusa Tori no Ichi (Asakusa Street Market of the Rooster)


To pray for better luck and business prosperity, Asakusa Tori no Ichi is a famous annual event continuing from the Edo period and held on the day of Tori (Rooster) in November. According to Chinese calendar, we have 2 or 3 days of Tori every November. Tori no Ichi held at Chokoku-ji (Chokoku Temple), also known as Asakusa Tori no Tera (the temple of rooster), is the biggest Tori no Ichi in Japan. Some Otori Jinja (Otori Shrine) and other temples in Japan also hold Tori no Ichi on the same day. The symbol of Tori no Ichi is a nicely decorated Kumade (the lucky bamboo rake). It's said Kumade will rake luck and business prosperity to you.

Ea (著:JLogos編集部)
「Asakusa Travel Guide」
JLogosID : 8613100

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